Monday, June 15, 2009

What a GREAT way to spend the weekend.

This weekend was a great family weekend. My great Brother in Law was in town from Chicago. We took the kids to the park and the guys taught the girls how to play baseball the correct way. They put them thru their own little Spring Training...Only it was super hot out and the girls were in long sleeves and Jeans lol....( what Mother in her right mind would let her kids dress that way in the middle of summer......You got it a Mother who lets her kids pick out their own clothes lol)

Here are some pictures of the day.

This is what happens when you hit the batter!!! lol

And while they did that....I did this......

I took pictures of the most Amazing little boy I have been blessed with.

This is my family....and I am so truly blessed to have them. I couldn't/wouldn't ask for anything else.

I love my family so much.To be apart of a family like mine is so divine where love is shown hurt is shared our love for each other is never impaired we talk we laugh we cry but we are a family and we do it all together for as a family we do it all as one you hurt one you hurt all and as a family unit we will all stand tall for we are family a family full of strength a family full of love a family no one can touch that, s why I love my family
so much.
Live, Laugh, Love!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ok since my Beautiful friend who has an almost birthday buddy with Mr E Miss B tagged me with the blog tag....I have to do it lol or she said I would be cursed....and we all know that I DO NOT need that right now...

So here it goes.....

The Rules of the ancient art of tagging are as follows. Be diligent in your quest for understanding. * List Six Unimportant Things That Make You Happy * Mention and link to the person who tagged you * Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along {and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been tagged} And Go.

1) Laying down on the couch with a nice thick blanket watching CSI Miami with no kids nagging in the background is heaven to me.

2) I am happy with the simple things in life...I don't need all the glamor and glitz, that's just not me..I like to get down and dirty and enjoy my life.

3) I really am content when my husband is watching baseball or playing video games...I just like to sit on the couch and watch him do something he enjoys.

4) my blackberry...I love my blackberry and would be lost without it...

5) I love to take random pictures of the kids, I love to have them as memories. I can provide you with a picture of Mr E and the Princess for every day since Mr E was born..

6) This to me is the most important one of all. I am honestly fully content when I have my 3 beautiful Children and my wonderful Husband (and my dog) all with me and we are enjoying a good family moment..I love those and cherish every moment.

And now I am passing the Torch two these amazing women who I adore and love sooo much......

Hot Momma
Busy Momma
Working momma
Bahama momma

OK So I can only do 4 right now....I guess I don't follow that many people.....And these ones were more then likely already tagged by Momma B

Ok....We shall see what happens....

Thanks Momma B.......Love ya!

Live, Laugh, Love

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So much to do......So little time.

I'm so very sorry that I have been neglecting my blog. There has been a really bad case of Germs in the house. Hopefully, we are all on our way to a full recovery.

Now...This month of June is bring in a big mile stone...My little guy is turning the big 1. I have mixed emotions about this big event coming up because I am very excited that he is turning one, but at the same time it takes a stab at my heart to know how time flew by and my little boy is really not so little anymore. I mean I know that he is still a little boy, but you know what I am talking about; for heavens sake he is already almost feeding himself!!!!

Now I know that I have the girls and this is not my only child but I just don't remember their first year flying by this fast, it feels like yesterday big papa and I found out we were having a boy.

Now in 17 days my baby will be turning 1. I have so much left to do still for his first birthday bash, with so little time.

I leave you all with this poem I found.....
A Big Guy
With my little hands I learn, A new adventure with each turn. My hands are still so very small, But, I will grow so very tall. So with my little hands I try, To learn to grow up to be a big guy.
Live, Laugh, Love