Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So much to do......So little time.

I'm so very sorry that I have been neglecting my blog. There has been a really bad case of Germs in the house. Hopefully, we are all on our way to a full recovery.

Now...This month of June is bring in a big mile stone...My little guy is turning the big 1. I have mixed emotions about this big event coming up because I am very excited that he is turning one, but at the same time it takes a stab at my heart to know how time flew by and my little boy is really not so little anymore. I mean I know that he is still a little boy, but you know what I am talking about; for heavens sake he is already almost feeding himself!!!!

Now I know that I have the girls and this is not my only child but I just don't remember their first year flying by this fast, it feels like yesterday big papa and I found out we were having a boy.

Now in 17 days my baby will be turning 1. I have so much left to do still for his first birthday bash, with so little time.

I leave you all with this poem I found.....
A Big Guy
With my little hands I learn, A new adventure with each turn. My hands are still so very small, But, I will grow so very tall. So with my little hands I try, To learn to grow up to be a big guy.
Live, Laugh, Love


  1. Aww, sweet little man! And it is wise not to send Eli to my house for "summer camp", b/c you are right, you will not get him back. I just want to raspberry those cheeks. I wish more than EVER our boys were birthday buddies!! Sooooo close. What time was he born at??

  2. what in the world? so I am sitting here crying reading your post! it's not like its a suprise that our baby boys are turning one, what is it with me?
    Maybe the music in the background and your gorgeous Eli feeding himself and u in the background w ur cute sweet voice...
    I dont know, it just hit me hard!
    And tears just started falling down my cheeks!
    Geez! lol
    I loved this whole year that passed and how much we shared and how much more we still have to share w our lil men!
    Happy bday baby E!
    I love you, no matter how much time it passes before I can tell you in person and give you a tight hug and lots of kisses in those precious cheeks!
